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Showing posts from November, 2010

Jpanel and GridLayout

This the code (used at the screen-cam) to create at Run-Time the buttons inside your jPanel, which has a gridLayout of 6 columns and 14 Rows (as required by your project) for (int Row=0;Row < seats.length;Row++) for (int Column=0; Column < seats[Row].length; Column++) { JButton b = new JButton(); b.setEnabled(false); b.setBackground(Color.BLUE); seats[Row][Column]=b; jPanel1.add(b); } Make sure you place the code above in the correct position in your source code... inside jbInit() method make also sure that you have declared: private JButton seats [][] = new JButton [14][6]; on top of your code inside : public class _______ extends JFrame { where all object declarations are. ..

How to create your Java Executable...

What is a package? A package is a collection of related classes... (physically in your hard-disk is a directory/folder) all files under the package will be compressed together in a jar file...(a java archive like zip) Your java application may contain one or more packages to logically group functionality. When you deploy your application you create one jar file per project . In this jar file you must specify which is the java class file that contains the main class (the starter class) of your project. Follow the instructions on the screen-cam to create your java "executable".

How to create JRadioButtons, JComboBoxes and JtextAreas

Today I feel much better... These past few days I have been exploring the distance teaching/learning possibilities... Virtual Class did not work, through our computer lab firewall (unfortunately) but today I created two screen recording with sound to try and show you how you can use other swing components like: Radio Button, Printable text Areas and comboboxes. Try to watch the 2 parts of my video (its less than 15 mins) Part 1 Part 2 If you have any questions please comment...