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How to Fix Divi 3 Color-Picker not showing HEX colour textbox I installed Divi   (3.0.40)  template on my Wordpress  (4.9.5)  site  yesterday to test it... and I immediately run into a problem... Choosing a colour from a colour palette did not display the textbox to type in the colour hex code...   So go and edit  /wp-content /  themes  /  Divi  /  css  / theme-customizer-controls-styles.css around line 69 find wp-picker-container and add the text in red: .wp-picker-container input[type=text].wp-color-picker, .wp-core-ui .wp-picker-default, .wp-core-ui .wp-picker-clear { width: 45% !important; vertical-align: bottom; margin-top: 10px; display:inline !important ; }
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How to Fix Slider Module Slide General Settings not Displayed I installed Divi (3.0.40)  template on my Wordpress  (4.9.5)  site  yesterday to test it... and I immediately run into a problem... in various cases, one of them the slider - slide settings where not visible . I figured out that the  wp-color-picker-alpha.min.js  Javascript, which was adding a height of 100% to a span inside the wp-picker-container class, was causing the problem. To solve the problem go to folder: \wp-content\themes\Divi\includes\builder\scripts\ext\ and edit wp-color-picker-alpha.min.js Find this line: css({width:"100%",height:"100%",position:"absolute",top:0,left:0,"border-top-left-radius":"3px","border-bottom-left-radius":"3px",background:r.color.toString()})) and change the height to "0px" css({width:"100%",height:"0px",position:"absolute",top:0,left:0,"border-top-left-rad...

Introduction to JAVA - Review Questions

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GUI Components

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Java Objects - Basics!!!!

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How to Create a JAVA/SWING Desktop Application

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Jpanel and GridLayout

This the code (used at the screen-cam) to create at Run-Time the buttons inside your jPanel, which has a gridLayout of 6 columns and 14 Rows (as required by your project) for (int Row=0;Row < seats.length;Row++) for (int Column=0; Column < seats[Row].length; Column++) { JButton b = new JButton(); b.setEnabled(false); b.setBackground(Color.BLUE); seats[Row][Column]=b; jPanel1.add(b); } Make sure you place the code above in the correct position in your source code... inside jbInit() method make also sure that you have declared: private JButton seats [][] = new JButton [14][6]; on top of your code inside : public class _______ extends JFrame { where all object declarations are. ..